Summary : Enthralling Authority, rocking
Pam & Tara, Jason the king of candy factories but one dead boring
arc and annoying vicious ads
Score : 9/10
With the new arcs finally taking shape this third installment was even better than the last. It proves once again this season potential and that True Blood is far from over. In fact some of the characters are so interesting and some stories so exciting that they invite us to check out the novels to descent even deeper in Charlaine Harris' black and red stripped mind.
Before scratching this episode's surface let's just bash the two things that prevented it from being perfect. The first ? The zombie boring and anecdotic arc featuring Andy Bellefleur's brother and his "slap my wife". Where's the editor when for once we desperately needed its psycho scissors to get them out of the picture ?! Thank Satan they were only featured for a few seconds, still in the worst nightmare ever aired on TV, and I totally embraced Tara's fantasy of digging her bloody grave in the freezer. That's where she belongs ! Second and last element that bugged me, the subliminal advertisements for a social network. The last thing I want to hear about when I immerse myself into a fantasy or science-fiction universe, it's the capitalist side of our reality. And if I remember correctly Andy and some other character mentioned the website's title three times in less than thirty seconds ! Anyone would sign a petition if I decided to launch one ? Let's free our favorite productions from these vicious manipulations !
After the second episode I instantly proclaimed the Vampire Authority chancellors as the coolest group since the Scooby Gang ! That's why I highly awaited Roman and Salome's return and they didn't disappoint. Moreover I have no doubt that the other members will be summoned in due time. Christopher Meloni makes a convincing leader and reminds me of Agent 47 (Hitman) with his immaculate black suit, white shirt and red tie. We'll see if such a strong man can go the distance once Bill † Eric decide to free themselves from their BDSM inspired apparel. Be nice gentlemen or else we'll ask Desmond to push the button ! As for Valentina Cervi's role as the manipulative Salome her separate encounters with Bill and Eric were hilarious, specially when they met in the elevator and realized they had just been used. Men are so naive when it comes to seduction ! So I'm as curious as them regarding Mistress Authority's plan. However I question the gratuitous nudity because there was no point in showing her naked when Eric and Roman were around. They shouldn't have revealed what was behind the curtain to make her even more sexy and mysterious ! Now it's obvious she's the reincarnation of Lilith as an interdimensional transexual from Hades. Sorry, I should have written "spoiler alert" !
The next big question was… Will Tara make a worthy vampire ? I knew Rutina Wesley had it in her even if there's still a long road to drive before she can speak with a shiny white prosthetic in her loud mouth. My favorite sequence was the one showing her hypersenses. The stars at night were surreal and her lost of control around blood well staged. It actually reminded me of the mystic scene from season 1 when a stoned Jason has sex with his crazy girlfriend and that their bodies are surrounded by a golden aura. Let's hope we will have more of these irrational moments because they allow the audience to escape even deeper from reality, and of course go back to it with wonderful memories. Earlier I mentioned that some arcs were beginning to collide and it's exactly what happened between Tara and Pam. Using the last flashbacks was a smart way to remind her how important is the relationship between a maker and its children. She's a mother now and can't just give up on the thirsty and lost vampire Tara has become. Relying on our buddy Sam is not a solution, even if you get free drinks all night long. As for Pam's history as a whorehouse manager it was quite enlightening and tragically moving when she decided to give up on her humanity. The wicked "When Harry Met Sally…" moment a wild Bill and a noble Eric, not related to John, shared was also what made this third session a bitter dream.
The rest of the episode was filled with countless other spicy candy canes, yummy ! Sharon Osbourne's twin sister torturing Nora ? Only on True Blood ! Alcide on fire after discovering the truth ? Sookie, you're in trouble ! Lafayette turning into a demon and freaking out ? Don't break the mirror and stay away from the light or Donkey will urinate in your soup ! Last but not least, Jason. Covering his sex addiction proves that education is totally compatible with popcorn entertainment and even when it features vampires and other fairytale creatures. I worried that the cup of tea he had with the mature woman would be just an other lame excuse to show some tits and Ryan Kwanten's bubble gum butt but instead we learned more about the man and how he became obsessed with women and unable to control his libido. Considering the show's audience it couldn't be more welcome and beside making him grow on us even more his experience should definitely be useful to some viewers who struggle to balance their double life. You're a Robin Hood who throw arrows day and night ? You would like to but your bow is broken ? Jason Stackhouse at your service and a free Blu-Ray of American Pie is offered if you subscribe for season 6 today ! More seriously the cherry on the shortcake was definitely Jessica's visit because it should be surprising to see a whole new side of Deborah Ann Woll's talent. I'm not asking them to play house like Sawyer and Juliette in Lost but the little chat they had at his door was heartwarming. True Blood, my precious. Even princess Gollum would agree !