Tuesday, July 5, 2011

True Blood season 4 episode 2 : You Smell Like Dinner

Summary : Vicious and addicting feast slightly spoiled by some rotten ingredients

Score : 8/10

Eric is such a romantic. It's what I thought after watching the premiere. Buying the house of the woman you care about so she becomes yours was the sweetest thing. Still with all its flaws, specially the epileptic editing, I hadn't much hope for this second episode but surprisingly it turned out pretty well and in fact it convinced me to sign for the whole season ! What went right ? First the shapeshifters and witches arcs quickly became exciting and the second was definitely this installment ruby. The ending was mind blowing and augurs the best for the upcoming episodes. Second Eric trying to own Sookie, now he has bought her house, was delightful and delivered the sexual tension and comic relief a great horror story requires. Third I really worried for Jason after the creepy kids tied him up to a bed and following his little big adventure was both enlightening, because season 3 less that I am I had no idea who they were, and of course it was also entertaining because when it comes to it Ryan Kwanten is the man ! And I'm sure the girls love him as a super cop. Fourth Bill has a sexy assistant who knows how to spy and serve her king. Seriously his arc could have been done better but learning more about his past and how he became the new king for Fangland was interesting. Again my complain would be about the zombie editing. His few flashbacks were awkwardly thrown in the mix with hope that things would shape by themselves but they didn't. Masterful productions like Lost have accustomed with creative transitions and twisted stories so these sharp cuts between scenes are unacceptable, specially when they're so numerous. However it was less painful than in She's Not There so let's just forget about it until next heresy. To sum things up You Smell Like Dinner should convince reluctant viewers to ask for their weekly dose of True Blood. Lafayette's gay relationship is puritan, Jessica is a poisonous freckle but her behavior felt like déjà vu and the evil baby conspiracy is just dead boring but beside these few cons this episode had enough wicked twists to enchaint the soul.

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