Thursday, November 3, 2011

Revenge season 1 episode 7 : Charade

Summary : Finale-like, entertaining evil Tyler, inspiring Declan, interesting duality, promising new character, confusing flashbacks

Score : 8/10


What an overwhelming episode ! So many pivotal things happened that it could have been a finale. Getting Frank so quickly out of the picture was gutsy so it seems Victoria will carry his torch and investigate Emily. I already knew Tyler was gay considering how he Martha Stewart behaves around Daniel but I didn't see his negotiation with Nolan coming. It's surprising what he's capable to do in order to help Emily but I'm sure he won't leak the videos. As for Tyler's intention to get back in the game at all cost it's interesting because in some way he's not so different than Emily.

In the romance department Declan stepped up his game and I can't see how a girl like Charlotte could resist someone who can call her mum Miss G. He's definitely funny and even inspiring because he defended his brother in front of everyone and people who tell what they really think are rare. As for the compass Emily gave Jack it made her love story with Daniel even more fragile because it seems she's really falling for him. I mean the last time I heard characters expressing their feelings out loud was while watching Dawson's Creek so it definitely proves that there's something fishy. In fact the voice-over was quite enlightening because Amanda should be her inside and Emily her outside but she apparently never expected her actions would blur the lines between them so much. Will she find the light in the darkness she created ? Is she becoming as evil as the people who framed her father ? The question deserves to be asked because the moving and Shakespearean balcony scene revealed that Victoria still has a heart. It's broken but she definitely loves Daniel.

Now the identity switch between Amanda Clarke and Emily Thorne was revealed I really wonder how they'll deal with Frank's corpse and of course Victoria's growing suspicions. Maybe the first will offer her a free lap dance. At least learning more about her should be interesting so let's hope she'll become a recurrent character. Seriously my only complain about this episode would be the confusing flashbacks. The transition between the present and the past was too sharp and the fact that young Victoria is also played by Madeleine Stowe doesn't help. So I wish they had been as polished and creative as Amanda's ones. Last but not least anyone has noticed how Reven8e's intertitle is similar to Lost's one ? They both feature a zooming logo and a mysterious tune.


  1. just wanted you to know people (like myself) are out here reading your reviews and enjoying them. keep it up!!

  2. Thanks for taking the time to post ! I'm glad you enjoy my reviews and don't hesitate to comment them or the episodes. I'm eager to know what you guys think of shows like Revenge. Cheers !

  3. I just found your Revenge it! Definitely must read theother ones too. Excellent job.

  4. Wow ! Now that I have read your tasty comment I regret even more that my blog hasn't been updated for more than two months now. But I'll definitely be back so don't hesitate to subscribe to its feed !

    As for Reven8e let me know if you enjoyed my other reviews. Note that I didn't review Intrigue, the 6th episode, nor the ones aired after Charade (Treasury…). Still I have just added a search engine to help you find them and published two reviews that were missing : Pilot and Trust.

    Enjoy and thanks again for your crispy congratulations ! Pizzas are my favorite meal and I'm sure yours are delicious !
