Monday, April 12, 2010

Caprica season 1 episode 7 : The Imperfections of Memory

Summary : Decent Amanda Graystone driven story, relieving converging arcs, fascinating computing and scientific topics, puzzling MCP revelation, intriguing Joseph Adama quest and cliffhanger

Score : 8/10 

The story focused more on Amanda Graystone and her troubled past. Paula Malcomson's acting is quite good considering the emotional character she has to play. It was enlightening to learn more about her but I worry that she's not strong enough to defend herself against Sister Clarice's manipulation. As for the other arcs it seems that they're finally converging. The relationship between the geek and the beast, Daniel's young assistant and Cylon Zoe, finally made sense for example. If you dig fields like programming (Genetic), computer graphics (Procedural generation) and artificial intelligence then you should be fascinated by one of their dialog in the virtual world. I wasn't convinced by the visual effects but the contents was accurate and interesting. We also learned a major information about the MCP and it seems Daniel and his collegue were as puzzled as I was. Joseph Adama continued searching for her daughter and I really wonder what will happen once he finds her and how it will influence the other arcs. Lacy was also featured but her few scenes were far too anecdotic.

To sum things up in my opinion it was probably the first good installment since the excellent Rebirth. It's like if the arcs were closing in on themselves to give birth to a story that could definitely be captivating on the long term. Moreover it ended on a cliffhanger, clumsy but intriguing, so you better be ready for an other round because it seems Caprica is back !

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