Tuesday, September 6, 2011

True Blood season 4 episode 11 : Soul of Fire

Summary : Strange Writing Case of Dr Dumb and Mr Witty

Score : 7/10


I don't know how the writing team behind the show works but there's clearly a weak link that prevented this episode from rocketing. The baby arc ? The messy cemetary part ? I suspect they all came from the same brain because I can't help noticing how much they jar with the overall good quality of season 4. It becomes even more obvious when you compare some parts side by side.

Round I : On the left we have the moronic Billeric, sorry I couldn't help, and on the right Lafayette & his boyfriend sneaking in the bathroom. Bill & Eric ready to kill each other for Sookie didn't make any sense because the first should know better than trusting the evil Marnie. They're hundreds years old but at times they're as clever as a zombie in luv. And while Sookie was crying like a fairy who just lost her virginity to a farting ogre Lafayette's boyfriend managed to play Marnie and turned into a demon. I'm really starting to like him and mixing Spanish with wicked magic was really exciting.

Round II : Eric² versus Sookie "the crying b* that should have been put down". How are viewers supposed to endure the endless magic fire circle sequence featuring the worst visual effects ever seen on the show ? It never felt a single second that she was in danger and about to burn her fairy bu… dust. However it was so ridiculous, specially Anna Paquin's acting, that I couldn't help laughing. Moreover it didn't prevent me from clapping my hands when Eric killed Marnie's annoying sidekick in a snap by clawing out his heart and then drinking its blood using an artery as a straw. It was both shocking and entertaining. Instantly cult and definitely a 2011 topplistÃ¥ contestant !

I could also point out some minor flaws but they were shadowed by far too many entertaining elements. First I slightly changed my mind about Lafayette because his medium gift was well used, as it allowed him to see Marnie battling Antonia, and what's coming could be thrilling because season 4 would have been nothing without Fiona Shaw ! Second crazy Pam waking up everyone in town by firing a rocket was fangtastic. She's really a weapon of mass seduction ! She could have killed Sookie… A blessing ? At least it would have opened the eyes of Billeric ! I can't believe his second half, Eric if you're not following my miserable joke, dared to threaten her when she was the one who actually saved the day. As for Jason he did what all real men would do in such a dangerous situation, he almost died. The perfect excuse to drink Jessica's super blood and get closer to the woman he loves. Deborah Ann Woll couldn't have been more charming while she was talking to him. A hotpink vampire lost in Daisyworld ! The only thing missing was Hoyt so I really hope Jim Parrack will be back next time because the show needs his talent. In fact I really hope he'll have a more important role in the next season.

To go back to my enumeration the third element I enjoyed was Andy's unexpected encounter with a ravishing fairy. Lucky guy ! He deserves it after what he has gone through but I can't help thinking that the worst is yet to come. Did she turn him into some sort of alien bulb ? A.B. : The Extra-Terrestrial ! I knew Steven Spielberg was pulling strings in reality. As for the best duo since The Dukes of Hazzard, Sam & Alcide, the fight was dynamic and its ending couldn't have been more brutal ! Last but not least Fiona Shaw lunatic acting was impressive, and freaky Sookie would say, and Marnie's vengeance interesting because the bully and the victim is a sad but real tale. Some people rejected her, she became an outcast and when she was strong enough to reclaim her place in society as her true enemies were nowhere to be found she just decided to unleash her fury upon vampires, who deserved it in a way, and innocent individuals close to her. May Antonia's soul rest in peace because in the end she proved her heart was good.

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