Tuesday, June 28, 2011

True Blood season 4 episode 1 : She's Not There

Summary : Exciting, intriguing and well produced Sookie driven story ruined by Razzie-award editing and a flood of rotten arcs

Score : 6/10


One year has passed since the last time I watched True Blood. Bad Blood, the season 3 premiere, didn't convince me to stick around but I thought checking out She's Not There should at least be entertaining. I was right but there're things that will never change and it seems the show keeps carrying the issues that have prevented some of us from becoming fans.

The recap was enlightening and I'll never get tired of the wicked title sequence. However the inexistant editing is annoying and definitely turned me off. One minute it's about humans and vampires, the next you see horses running in the woods. What's the point of covering so many anecdotic arcs ? Of course they'll inevitably collide but compared to shows like Game of Thrones I can't help thinking that the novels adaptation is hasty and mostly focus on the superficial elements instead of serving us some warm substance to satisfy our needs. From the baby, who has nothing in common with Dexter's one, to Lafayette you could axe half the contents and it wouldn't change anything. Yes because all we really care about are charismatic characters like Eric and Jessica. Last season she nearly convinced me to watch the second episode, Beautifully Broken. But apparently nothing much happened on her side and sadly her arc seems quite predictable. In fact it's also the case for some others.

Now that we have crucified the dead editor, spoiler alert - killed in my previous review, it's time to report what went right about the premiere. Let's start with… the beginning ! Sookie a fairy ? Now that ruined my entire theory of her being the stereotyped character of the pretty blonde next door. I supposed it was revealed in the finale, Evil is Going On, and I can imagine how the cliffhanger must have been jaw dropping for the long time fans. The twisted development of her arc was fantastic and served by a vivid production full of black light and exciting surprises ! If only the others were in the same vein, at least as long and not butchered by you know who. To sum things up Sookie is the only excuse you need to glimpse Anna Paquin's freshness. It's a dead bird ? It's a witch flying on a broom ? No it's #@%*& Sookie ! Paquin is okay but it's really Deborah Ann Woll who should make you KO. K like Kiss of Eternal Life™ ! O like in "Oh mistress Jessica please drink me hardly and fill me with immortality" ! It was also bittersweet to have Pam back and it's always a guilty pleasure to peep through Fangtasia's door. I also noticed a hot geek who should really intrigue you, specially considering the ending, but the sapphic interracial – add your list of forbidden fruits – sequence seemed misplaced and as a huge fan of Archer I can only complain about it.

So my opinion is mixed but even if it surprises me I think this fourth season has some potential. Despite all its flaws I still enjoyed the premiere. The entertaining and interesting scenes were too short and not numerous but they're the ones you will viciously dream about. Even Bill did his part this time and learning about his real mission regarding poor Sookie was almost shocking. As for Jason be prepared for the impossible ! Moreover now I realize how well edited the Bill speech and Eric interview sequences were. Great job my dead friend but you'll have to step up your game before we decide to disnail you from up there ! Ready for the upcoming installment, You Smell Like Dinner ? I am and I bet you will !